
OALib Journal期刊

ISSN: 2333-9721




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匹配条件: “Fatihe Kerman Saravi” ,找到相关结果约167条。
Comparing health-related quality of life of employed women and housewives: a cross sectional study from southeast Iran
Fatihe Kerman Saravi, Ali Navidian, Shahindokht Rigi, Ali Montazeri
BMC Women's Health , 2012, DOI: 10.1186/1472-6874-12-41
Abstract: This cross-sectional study was carried out during 2009–2010 in Zahedan, Iran. The sample consisted of 110 housewives and 110 employed women selected randomly from ten health care centers. Health-related quality of life was assessed using the SF-36. Analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) was used to compare quality of life in housewives and employed women while controlling for age, education and income.The mean (±SD) age of participants was 33.87± 8.95 years. Eighty-eight women (40%) had a university degree with a mean (±SD) official education of 10.8 (±4.9) years. The results indicated that employed women scored higher than housewives in all measures except for physical functioning. The differences were found to be remarkable for vitality, mental health and role emotional. However, after controlling for age, education and family income, none of differences reached significant level.After controlling for potential confounders, the findings from this study indicated that there were no significant differences in quality of life between employed women and housewives. However, employed women scored higher on the SF-36, especially on the role emotional, vitality, and mental health. The findings suggest that associations exist between some aspects of health-related quality of life and employment. Indeed improving health-related quality of life among housewives seems essential.In recent decades the concept of health has been considered more comprehensively, and therefore, more attention has been paid to the integration of the different aspects of health quality in health assessment. Currently, the assessment of health-related quality of life (QoL) is used widely as an outcome of health care system and health care interventions [1]. The World Health Organization Quality of Life Group defines quality of life as ‘individuals' perceptions of their position in life in the context of the culture and value systems in which they live and in relation to their goals, expectations, standards
A New Method for Solving Nonlinear Equations Based on Euler’s Differential Equation
Masoud Saravi
- , 2018, DOI: 10.5923/j.ajcam.20180803.01
Abstract: Usually the methods based on Taylor expansion series for have better convergence [1]. But, nearly, all of them contain one or more derivatives of . The purpose of this paper is to introduce a technique to obtain free from derivatives which works better than methods others that been considered in most text book for solving nonlinear equations by providing some numerical examples
A Short Survey in Application of Ordinary Differential Equations on Cancer Research
M. Saravi
- , 2020, DOI: 10.5923/j.ajcam.20201001.01
Abstract: This paper introduces a survey of mathematical models to tumor growth modelling using Ordinary Differential Equations (ODEs) on cancer research. Since the tumor grows voraciously, the scientists and mathematicians have tried to have a better understanding how it grows. Usually, study of such treatments on the models of tumor growth lead to one or more ODEs which gives some ideas on relation between such equations and tumor growth of cancer cells, in particular breast and ovarian cancer cells. In this survey, we introduce some ODEs to provide mathematical models in tumor growth. We emphasis that this paper is useful for the researchers in the field of cancer, hence some objective and new contribution may not clear for the reader. Main goal of this paper is to familiarize reader to applications of ODEs on epidemiology
Day-Ahead Price Forecasting of Electricity Market Using Neural Networks and Wavelet Transform
M. Saravi
- , 2018, DOI: 10.5923/j.eee.20180802.02
Abstract: In a competitive environment, participants chooses their bid with regard to policy their advantages and market conditions. Therefore one of the essential and necessary discussions in competitive environment is prices prediction. In this paper artificial neural network method is used for load prediction by considering the most maximum impact factors in prediction and most influencing data as input of model. Proposed model is experienced on Nord Pool electricity market and the results are checked in various stages. Also for expression of system error, an indicator of MAPE has been used. This error provides a good indication of the constraints and applicability of these predictions. To reduce the size of the input data and obtain better results, a filter been used to separate parameters with similar frequency. In addition to the electrical loads, the daily temperature has been used as a factor for forecasting to achieve better results. The MAPE obtained from the load forecasting results confirm that the proposed technique is robust in forecasting future load demands and provides reliable forecasts for the daily operational planning of Nord Pool market
Squeezing in Floer theory and refined Hofer-Zehnder capacities of sets near symplectic submanifolds
Ely Kerman
Mathematics , 2005, DOI: 10.2140/gt.2005.9.1775
Abstract: We use Floer homology to study the Hofer-Zehnder capacity of neighborhoods near a closed symplectic submanifold M of a geometrically bounded and symplectically aspherical ambient manifold. We prove that, when the unit normal bundle of M is homologically trivial in degree dim(M) (for example, if codim(M) > dim(M)), a refined version of the Hofer-Zehnder capacity is finite for all open sets close enough to M. We compute this capacity for certain tubular neighborhoods of M by using a squeezing argument in which the algebraic framework of Floer theory is used to detect nontrivial periodic orbits. As an application, we partially recover some existence results of Arnold for Hamiltonian flows which describe a charged particle moving in a nondegenerate magnetic field on a torus. We also relate our refined capacity to the study of Hamiltonian paths with minimal Hofer length.
Displacement energy of coisotropic submanifolds and Hofer's geometry
Ely Kerman
Mathematics , 2007,
Abstract: We prove that the displacement energy of a stable coisotropic submanifold is bounded away from zero if the ambient symplectic manifold is closed, rational and satisfies a mild topological condition.
Action selectors and Maslov class rigidity
Ely Kerman
Mathematics , 2009,
Abstract: In this paper we detect new restrictions on the Maslov class of displaceable Lagrangian submanifolds of symplectic manifolds which are symplectically aspherical. These restrictions are established using action selectors for Hamiltonian flows. In particular, we construct and utilize a new action selector for the flows of a special class of Hamiltonian functions which arises naturally in the study of Hamiltonian paths which minimize the Hofer length functional.
On primes and period growth for Hamiltonian diffeomorphisms
Ely Kerman
Mathematics , 2012,
Abstract: Here we use Vinogradov's prime distribution theorem and a multi-dimensional generalization due to Harman to strengthen some recent results concerning the periodic points of Hamiltonian diffeomorphisms. In particular we establish resonance relations for the mean indices of the fixed points of Hamiltonian diffeomorphisms which do not have periodic points with arbitrarily large periods in $\mathbb{P}^2$, the set of natural numbers greater than one which have at most two prime factors when counted with multiplicity. As an application of these results we partially recover, using only symplectic tools, a theorem on the periodic points of Hamiltonian diffeomorphisms of the sphere by Franks and Handel.
New smooth counterexamples to the Hamiltonian Seifert conjecture
Ely Kerman
Mathematics , 2001,
Abstract: We construct a new aperiodic symplectic plug and hence new smooth counterexamples to the Hamiltonian Seifert conjecture in R^{2n} for n>2. In other words, we develop an alternative procedure, to those of V. L. Ginzburg and M. Herman, for constructing smooth Hamiltonian flows, on the standard symplectic R^{2n} for n>2, which have compact regular level sets that contain no periodic orbits. The plug described here is a modification of those built by Ginzburg. In particular, we utilize a different "trap" which makes the necessary embeddings of this plug much easier to construct.
Periodic orbits of Hamiltonian flows near symplectic critical submanifolds
Ely Kerman
Mathematics , 1999,
Abstract: In this paper we produce a lower bound for the number of periodic orbits of certain Hamiltonian vector fields near Bott-nondegenerate symplectic critical submanifolds. This result is then related to the problem of finding closed orbits of the motion of a charged low energy particle on a Riemannian manifold under the influence of a magnetic field

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